He brought me out into a spacious place;  he rescued me because he delighted in me. Psalm 18:19


Leslie Vann is an abstract expressionist painter, garden designer, interior decorator and devotional writer. Her artwork and design aesthetics are an extension of her journey of faith and freedom through Jesus Christ.

In 2015, after an almost ten year hiatus from the creative process, Leslie felt God call her to pick up her brushes again with the gentle whisper of “My Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path” burning in her heart (Psalm 119:105). What resulted from that experience was the beginning of a new approach to herself and her art philosophy. This was the beginning of Spacious Place Home.

Leslie’s compositions explore the mysterious relationship between spontaneity and structure as well as the inherent significance of the creative process. These apparent tensions are an expression of the reality in her own life where she seeks to live with purpose while remaining open-handed with her well-intentioned, but often short-sighted plans in favor of God’s most beautiful and sovereign ones (Romans 8:28-29). She draws inspiration from the study of God’s Word and the peace of soul it provides. Her paintings seek to visually interpret this journey through a method she likes to call “painting by the Spirit.”

Leslie graduated from Dallas Baptist University with a B.A. in General Visual Art and most recently taught art at City Academy of Atlanta and First Baptist Academy. She and her husband, Adrian, live in Dallas, Texas, with their three fur babies.